This last month I have been able to go away down south to Yallingup with a group of friends and also attend a look good feel better makeup group with other young girls battling cancer. I also attended another friends art workshop. As you can see here, I drew an apple.

Not too shabby!

This is Yallingup
We've had a few events at church these last few weeks including a scary youth walk through an old train tunnel, then an awesome festival called colourfest inclusive of the colour powder used in the colour run. We had sumo suits, bouncy castle, face painting and carnival food.

This was our youth group throwing the colour powder in the air. Looks amazing!
The Sunday just gone we had 'The gathering', a Christmas service for our young adults, food provided!

I feel like I've been up to lots. Our Christmas tree and other Christmassy decorations were put up, along with constant playing of Christmas songs and carols. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Presents almost all done too which is a weight off!

It's safe to say, I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR! So much fun stuff to attend and we get to spend time with the people we love. Embrace it! I for one am feeling extra blessed to be alive and am totally appreciating the friends and family I get to share life with. Perspective has been great. Thanks God.
However...the down times....I am currently on my second last chemo cycle as I write. I am extremely tired already, and I spend my time fighting the urge to sleep during the day so I can at least get to sleep during the night. I have also puffed up again due to the steroids and I just cannot seem to get over how it makes me feel. It doesn't help when some people say to me "oh you've put on a bit of weight...but that's ok". Comments like that don't make me feel good. I constantly worry about what I look like, and it hurts even more when my clothes don't fit. Or I try on a dress in the shops and it's a medium, not the usual small. Or everyone else around me is exercising etc.
I do understand it will go away when I finish treatment and I am thankful I am able to stop the steroids in the end. Unlike some unlucky people who have to take these steroids for the rest of their lives. It is tough and I've read a mountain of blogs, articles and stories of other people who have the same struggles. I know exactly how they feel and I just hope that somehow they can one day invent a steroid that doesn't affect people this way.
The biggest battle for me in this cancer treatment has definitely been the self image aspect. As much as the physical side effects like nausea and pain suck, I think I can handle those more because they only last a few days. This puffiness is almost permanent throughout my treatment.
I also recently wrote another blog about the things not to say to a cancer patient, and in general what I am struggling with in terms of when out being social the things that get on my nerves and overwhelm me a bit. I had a few people read it and together we decided it came across a bit harsh. I am yet to fix and change it up before I post it. But it definitely is a struggle for not only me but other cancer patients I have spoken to..even their families.

Can't wait to look like this again!

Anyway, that is it I think for now! Might squeeze in a pre-Christmas blog, but might not have the time. Pictures of Christmas and Busselton will be fun I'm sure.
Thanks again for prayers and well wishes, it does help.
Kendy x
P.s I leave you with a photo of a dog friend I met on the weekend. His name "the great one" in Swahili. He's cool and fluffy.