
Tuesday, 14 January 2014


It's been a month since my last blog! I have been up to plenty of things. I had a pre Christmas blog with depth and insight included, but failed to post it and now feel like I'd have to change too much to even resurrect it. So new one it is!

I feel incredibly overwhelmed by all this love and support I have received through treatment. I am pleased to announce I just finished my last scheduled cycle of chemo and now just yearning to feel 100% healthy again. It sure will be a long road to complete recovery, but I know that with everyone around me and having such an amazing God on my side, I can achieve anything. I read a book recently called "You'll get through this" by Max Lucado
And the quote mentioned all throughout was

"You'll get through this.
It won't be painless.
It won't be quick.
But God will use this mess for good.
Don't  be foolish or naive.
But don't despair either.
With God's help, you'll get through this."

It really is true. I read it probably too far along in my treatment, but I want others to hear about it and read it, especially if you're going through rough stuff. It doesn't have to be cancer! It can be anything that is affect you and is rough-going for YOU, ie financial troubles, health issues, divorce, anything!

I can get through it with God's strength, it's not going to be easy, painless or even quick, but I will get through it. It's very cool to have such faith and hope in something greater, so if I could encourage you in anything, it would be to explore who God is. I feel like my life now is a true testimony to how God can move in situations and how blessed my life is...regardless of cancer!

So I started chemo last week on our 2nd year wedding anniversary. Brett and I had a great night at dinner. I wore my wig and carried my chemo bad around and everything. When we got there, there was a little girl who was also bald and seemed to have been through some grueling treatment. I almost wanted to rip off my wig and show my support, but I didn't. Maybe I'll be more bold next time!!

I had an amazing Christmas, including Christmas carols, breakfast, lunch and dinner on Christmas Day spent with family and friends and then Boxing Day with the extensions. Then we headed off down to Busselton for a much needed escape from perth and cancer stuff. I was even taught how to do my Hickman line dressing and heparin locking of the lines, so it was pretty fun to feel nursey again. It was so nice to sit on the beach, dip my legs in my clam shell (thanks to Nicole and Derek) because I can't swim with the line in, and we played bulk games of 500 (card game). New Years was also spent at the campsite and we just relaxed, discussed potential New Years resolutions, struggled to  stay awake til midnight, cracked open the sparklers then went off to bed.
 500 FUN!
(Brett caught a huge Sampson fish and fed us for 3 nights!)

It really has been an eventful year so far, only 14 days in.

Thank you for your love and support as always. It helps so much even when I'm grumpy and feeling unwell, I always look back and appreciate all the help we have received.

I plan to hopefully keep you all updated with my recovery, scan results and my fitness etc, so please stick around!

Kendy x
I now leave you with some photos to celebrate our wedding day 2 years ago on the 6th January.

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