
Friday, 30 May 2014


Brett and I finally got the opportunity to go on our long awaited cruise to Vanuatu!
We flew to Brisbane, stayed one night and then the next day set sail on an 11 night cruise around the islands of Vanuatu.
We missed 2 smalls islands due to big swell and it being too dangerous to board the tenders to the islands, but that was ok. The ships crew pull out the big guns when we don't get to stop, and played the movie Frozen. So we all "let it go" about missing a few stops and continued to enjoy the relaxation of crusing on the ocean and also stopping at many beautiful places.
We ate all the time, went to the gym only a few times, met some cool people, learnt a lot of sports trivia and all round had a great time. This was of course was my first ever overseas (on the sea?) trip and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I would recommend cruising to anyone and everyone! There is so much to do, or little to do if that is your hearts desire.
Here are some pictures of our travels....(until the waterproof camera became not waterproof and we stopped taking pictures on it)
 We did a tour on Santo island and canoed the RiRi River to the Blue Hole
 So unbelievably BLUE! And a rope swing.

 They had theme nights on the boat, this was was island night.

After 11 nights without wifi and internet (are they the same thing?) we docked back in Brisbane and had another 3 nights staying with some contacts through Compassion. Messages and facebook were fun to catch up on and it even included seeing Brett's advertisement he starred in, in Brasil, a McDonald's commercial for the World Cup. Watch it here!
We also hit up Movie World and Wet n Wild on the Gold Coast which was amazing fun as always, shout outs to the scooby doo ride, the old lethal weapon and the new aqua loop. And can I just tell you about the Aqua Loop, it's by far the scariest thing I've done. More than skydiving. Here's a video of it on youtube already

We also went to the Gold Coast Suns game, which was cool.

That's all for now.
Bless you guys!!

Friday, 30 May 2014

Waiting on a miracle!

Today I have been wrestling with the fact I need a miracle. Yes, I have been healed from lymphoma, but the reality is that I still have an obstructed Superior Vena Cava from a clot. The clot formed when the tumor grew around the vessel and completely cut it off. To the point where the doctors say there is nothing they can do about it and I will have to live with it. The obstruction causes veins to stick out more prominantly than normal because that is now their main route of transport. I have a lot of pressure in my head when I bend down, put my shoes on, pick something up, lie flat on my back and the list goes on.

Thankfully the body is so wonderfully made that it can work around this problem using compensatory veins and I haven't dropped dead yet. I am thankful for this, but also miserable about the side effects and the fear of never getting back to the way I was previously because of fluid retention, I believe, caused by my lack of ability to drain it via the Superior Vena Cava.

So I have had a bit of a cry and a loud outpour of prayer to our Heavenly father for a miracle. To believe that He can heal me, regardless of what the doctors are saying. I was made by God, He knows my body inside and out, how many hairs on my head, freckles on my face, what veins and vessels go where and clearly made an alternative path that the blood could flow if this superior vena cava obstruction happens. But I need to be healed. I want to be healed so badly and prove to the people I love that God is real, amazing and faithful. That he can do miraculous things! In this happening I pray it would prompt the people I love to seek to know God and what he can do.

Please please please, join me in praying for this miracle. I know there are so many things to be thankful for (just read my thankful blog) and I should be pretty happy I'm alive (I am..) but hear my heart when I say that witnessing a miracle would be such a powerful testimony, not only for myself, but for everyone else.

Kendy x

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