At the end of a long long tunnel that for a long time I couldn't see!
Good news about the PET scan I had a few weeks ago, I am now pretty much free of cancer (apart from some residual activity in my mediastinum), now just finishing my final 3 treatments and that should be it! It is very exciting to know that I am responding to the treatment and I am so thankful to everyone who has been the support along the way, especially God.
There is no way I would be able to do what I'm doing now without the strength from God. I always have hope and faith thanks to Him, I just couldn't imagine doing this any other way.
I know it isn't over, and there's still a road ahead. Things like getting my Hickman line removed, further scans and even chats about the clot that is still obstructing my SVC, causing veins to be as prominent as when I had the tumor and the pressure in my head when I bend over. Will it resolve on its own? Does it need a stent? Can it be stented? And I have to get back to fitness, playing sport, lose my steroid weight, grow my hair....the list goes on!
All these things I can't wait to do. But I need a bit more patience to get through these last few months and cling onto that hope and faith that I have, that I will beat lymphoma completely!
Please continue to pray for me as chemo is still hard on me, my body and the people around me, especially Brett. He has to put up with my tears, my grumpiness, frustrations and venting. He does it well, but I'm sure he needs the patience and perseverance to continue. I love him so so much. Such a blessing to do life with him. Who knew we'd have this huge challenge thrust upon us so early in marriage. But his continuous love in sickness and in health is a true testimony to how much he loves God and lives life like Christ.
During the chemo break I was able to see Beyoncé in concert, which was amazing! So good to feel well enough to go and experience "Queen B" and also go wedding dress shopping with my sister! Wedding next October and hopefully I'll be a maid of honour with some sort of hair on my head!
I also attended the beautiful wedding of Ashley and Heidi Griffiths. Check out their wedding on Instagram using #ashleyheidiwedding
I got to have my makeup done courtesy of a gift from Mrs Jessica Gorman and even got fake eyelashes to feel fabulous and feminine again after losing all of my own to the cancer.
I think that's all for a blog update. Keep praying and know that God is good! YEW!
Kendy x
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